Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wake Up Everyone!

Everyone's ready for the Oscars! - the most common status update on Facebook right now. BUT NO ONE IS DISCUSSING RUSSIA INVADING UKRAINE. Could rekindle the "Cold War"; could be the start of a global conflict. Some similarities to the early years of WWII way way before Hitler invaded Poland. Hitler invaded Austria first, and considered it a "reunification/annexation." France and Britain did not get involved because they weren't militarily "ready" to make an issue of it. Hitler claimed the invasion was to "protect" and "unify" all the German Austrians so that he could create one big wonderful Third Reich.

Putin waits till midnight in Ukraine to cut power and mobilize 6000 troops in Crimea. CNN reports that Russia has taken complete control over Crimea despite just a few days ago Putin said that he would not do so.

Obama calls up Putin and says "please please oh please Putti... can you knock it off. You're gonna make me look real bad."

Putin responds: "Okie okie Barack Osama, we will stay out. No worry. You can trust me."

Obama: "Thanks Putin! You're not as bad as they say you are."

24 Hours later..... Putin invades Crimea. Ukraine Prime Minister says this is a declaration of war.

Obama calls back: "Um....Putti....what happened? You said you weren't going to declare war.

Putin: "No no...Obrack, you got it all wrong. We not invading Crimea. We simply doing rehearsal for invasion."

Obama: "Oh. Oh, okay. I guess that's different then. Ok. Alright um...bye.... "

Monday, March 3, 2014

Adolph Putin!

They Could be Brothers!

I forgot I had photoshop on my computer.... so much fun. They could be brothers!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Worst Affordable Health Insurance Policy I've Seen...

Blue Cross Blue Shield markets insurance policy to young adults in their 20's called HMO Essentials. THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST RIDICULOUS POLICY I have reviewed. $230 a month for a $7000 deductible. You get 3 PCP office visits for a copay of $35, then after that each visit is full rate up to the deductible. No prescriptions other than birth control are covered.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Calling MassHealth

Here's my actual conversation with Mass Health. I wish I recorded it. TRUE AND FUNNY.


Mass Health: Good afternoon and thank you for calling Mass Health, my name is Shana may I have your first and last name?

Me: Hi yes. Daniel Smith; S-M-I-T-H

Mass Health: And how may I help you today?

Me: Well I'm trying to get health insurance and the website says it cannot verify who I am and can't process my application and that I needed to call this number.

Mass Health: Yes, I do apologize but I'm unable to process your application on the phone right now because our system is down.

Me: You can't process me even though the site says it cant process me and that I need to call you?

Mass Health: That's right sir. Both systems are down.

Me: But I've been trying to get health insurance for the last 7 days and I've gotten the same shit from you people. I just waited on the phone on hold for 40 minutes!

Mass Health: Sir, at this time I am only able to mail out a paper application to you. You will get it in 2-3 business days and after you return it to us it will take about 7 days to process.

Me: Ma'am ! I need insurance tomorrow! What do you want me to do? How can your system be down ALL MONTH!

Mass Health: Sir we are doing the best we can to fix the problem.

Me: What is the problem?

Mass Health: What sir?

Me: What is the goddamn problem!? I have a right to know. I am good with computers I can understand if you tell me what the problem is!

Mass Health: Sir i don't have that information. We apologize and we are working on it.

Me: How about if I say I tell you that I can't pay my taxes this year on time. Sorry, my pen ran out of ink and my computer crashed, so I can't do my taxes this year. Please accept my apology, I'm working on it. You'll get it eventually, but I'm working on it, sorry.

Mass Health: Sir you still have to pay your taxes.

Me: So you tell me I still have to pay for something I am not getting?

Mass Health: Well sir I can send you our a paper application.

Me: No, I did not pay for a paper application. I paid for a website.

Mass Health: Sir...

Me: I want to know who's fault this is.

Mass Health: Who's fault?

Me: Yeah. Who's fault?! Let me explain something to you.... if this was the private sector, and something like this was as fucked up, SOMEONE WOULD BE FIRED! I want to know WHO will be fired over all this. Who's fault is this?

Mass Health: I'm sorry I do not have that information sir. I can have a supervisor call you back.

Me: Can he get me insurance?

Mass Health: No sir. We are at the mercy of the computer system. Do you want me to have you call you back?

Me: FOR WHAT? He cant't help me. AND I DONT WANT TO JUSTIFY ANOTHER MORON'S PAYCHECK. If he calls me back, my tax paying dollars are going toward his paycheck and he can't even help me!

Mass Health: Do you want a paper application sir?

Me: Ma'am, the website and phone service was supposed to streamline and make the process efficient and affordable. By sending a paper application that means someone has to process it. SO YOU PEOPLE ARE JUST CREATING CUSHY JOBS! Why was a site even made?

Mass Health: I'm sorry sir.

Me: No. I'm sorry. We all have fool written across our foreheads. I'm done. Goodbye.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

What's Really Wrong With This Picture

YOU MUST READ THIS !This is what is wrong with health care: this is my actual benefits summary for December. The prescription valued at $278.47 is the same medication as the prescription valued at $17.97...... it's just different prices because it's prescribed for different reasons. Get this one! The more expensive price is for the purpose of smoking cessation! The cheaper one is for panic attacks. ITS THE EXACT SAME DRUG. BUT IF YOU TAKE IT TO QUIT SMOKING IT COST MORE!!! And Obama WANTS you to quit smoking!!! My ass! The govt should have fixed this illegal and deceptive practice by pharmaceutical companies. Not mask our issues with this bullshit Robin hood healthcare plan.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Word From This Lackey...

Why do we fight the fight with MedfordCity Hall? Well, the answer is quite simple: someone has to fight the bastards. And, just so you are clear, this isn't just a TV3 issue; it goes much deeper than that. It’s about calling out all the liars, cheaters, and politicians with personal agendas. You also have to realize that the politicians we fight aren’t just some bunch of people in office for a few years- these people have been running our city for decades! Whether talking about the Penta Machine, Maiocco Machine, or McGlynn Machine, one thing is for certain, that these guys have had their hand in the cookie jar way too long.

This is an election year and that means we will do everything in our power to help push these long time machines out of Medford. Yes, this means we will write articles about them. We will distort their likeness for the sake of parody. As a tool, we will use truths to expose their lies and discredit their façade. This is the level of scrutiny they agree to when they take on such an important role as public servants to us all. If you are supporters of these corruptors, then you will not like our fight against them. You may, at your own will, however, support these politicians in contrast to that of the opposition.  If this is truly your belief, then support them, picket for them, create blogs in their support. It is your right to do so. But please, do not attack us below the belt. Do not make your disagreement in politics a personal matter between acquaintances.

These blog articles represent­­­ the very essence of free speech in the most time-honored reasoning since our forefathers completed the Declaration of Independence: to stand up against the wrongdoings of government. Too many Americans have become complacent. They think they have no say in what is happening or more accurately, think their voice just doesn’t count in the grand scheme of things. This is just not true. It starts on the local level. There is a trickle down effect from the local to national level and peoples’ attitudes toward speaking up locally sets the trend in peoples’ willingness to exercise their free speech in a society. From the beginning, people have stood up against government through witticism and parody. This includes satire through prose, art, video, and even sound. While the satire might be unpopular among an audience, it does not mean that such right is unjust or at the very least, unwarranted.

So, to the freedom fighters reading this, you get my point. For those who think this is just a TV3 issue or an overly dramatized petty fight, then you either never had the balls to fight for what you believe is right, or simply forgot you have a voice.

To the nameless, rest assured that no blog will be written about you. If you fear that a blog will be written about you then you have not realized the purpose of these articles. These articles expose the truths of corrupt politicians. It doesn't matter if they are nice people on the street or even held the hand of a dying person. It is about their commitment to the community and calling them out on the things they do wrong. We don’t create sites about people just because they have pissed us off. These are politically motivated. And to the nameless, you are a friend, not a foe. It’s understandable that our emotions get the better of us sometime. But once again, like we have said from the start, WE never fling mud first.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Keeping America Poor and Dumb


Millionaires' Club: For First Time, Most Lawmakers are Worth $1 Million-Plus - OpenSecrets Blog

It's because congress has a collective plan to keep America poor and dumb. Too poor to run for office and too dumb to know how. Also if you want change, then stop watching the news. You don't need it. You can watch congress live every day on cspan And form a real unbiased opinion.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Unemployment Calculations

You know those unemployment rates they throw around on news you know how unemployment is calculated? Well, the BLS relies on information from payroll companies like ADP. They also rely on figures from unemployment offices. You are considered a statistic contributing to the unemployment rate if you are unemployed, and collecting UI. Here's the catch...say you exhaust your benefits (including extensions) and you are now neither on UI nor employed....YOU NOW LET THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE GO DOWN. Wtf. You are considered neither employed or unemployed. You are considered gone from the labor force. So those figures don't make sense does it? Eventually, if everyone is denied extensions, then hell, the unemployment rate improves. What a scam. The figures are flawed. Its manipulated. Can we see the official figures on the number of students graduated last year that have jobs?