Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wake Up Everyone!

Everyone's ready for the Oscars! - the most common status update on Facebook right now. BUT NO ONE IS DISCUSSING RUSSIA INVADING UKRAINE. Could rekindle the "Cold War"; could be the start of a global conflict. Some similarities to the early years of WWII way way before Hitler invaded Poland. Hitler invaded Austria first, and considered it a "reunification/annexation." France and Britain did not get involved because they weren't militarily "ready" to make an issue of it. Hitler claimed the invasion was to "protect" and "unify" all the German Austrians so that he could create one big wonderful Third Reich.

Putin waits till midnight in Ukraine to cut power and mobilize 6000 troops in Crimea. CNN reports that Russia has taken complete control over Crimea despite just a few days ago Putin said that he would not do so.

Obama calls up Putin and says "please please oh please Putti... can you knock it off. You're gonna make me look real bad."

Putin responds: "Okie okie Barack Osama, we will stay out. No worry. You can trust me."

Obama: "Thanks Putin! You're not as bad as they say you are."

24 Hours later..... Putin invades Crimea. Ukraine Prime Minister says this is a declaration of war.

Obama calls back: "Um....Putti....what happened? You said you weren't going to declare war.

Putin: "No no...Obrack, you got it all wrong. We not invading Crimea. We simply doing rehearsal for invasion."

Obama: "Oh. Oh, okay. I guess that's different then. Ok. Alright um...bye.... "

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