Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Word From This Lackey...

Why do we fight the fight with MedfordCity Hall? Well, the answer is quite simple: someone has to fight the bastards. And, just so you are clear, this isn't just a TV3 issue; it goes much deeper than that. It’s about calling out all the liars, cheaters, and politicians with personal agendas. You also have to realize that the politicians we fight aren’t just some bunch of people in office for a few years- these people have been running our city for decades! Whether talking about the Penta Machine, Maiocco Machine, or McGlynn Machine, one thing is for certain, that these guys have had their hand in the cookie jar way too long.

This is an election year and that means we will do everything in our power to help push these long time machines out of Medford. Yes, this means we will write articles about them. We will distort their likeness for the sake of parody. As a tool, we will use truths to expose their lies and discredit their façade. This is the level of scrutiny they agree to when they take on such an important role as public servants to us all. If you are supporters of these corruptors, then you will not like our fight against them. You may, at your own will, however, support these politicians in contrast to that of the opposition.  If this is truly your belief, then support them, picket for them, create blogs in their support. It is your right to do so. But please, do not attack us below the belt. Do not make your disagreement in politics a personal matter between acquaintances.

These blog articles represent­­­ the very essence of free speech in the most time-honored reasoning since our forefathers completed the Declaration of Independence: to stand up against the wrongdoings of government. Too many Americans have become complacent. They think they have no say in what is happening or more accurately, think their voice just doesn’t count in the grand scheme of things. This is just not true. It starts on the local level. There is a trickle down effect from the local to national level and peoples’ attitudes toward speaking up locally sets the trend in peoples’ willingness to exercise their free speech in a society. From the beginning, people have stood up against government through witticism and parody. This includes satire through prose, art, video, and even sound. While the satire might be unpopular among an audience, it does not mean that such right is unjust or at the very least, unwarranted.

So, to the freedom fighters reading this, you get my point. For those who think this is just a TV3 issue or an overly dramatized petty fight, then you either never had the balls to fight for what you believe is right, or simply forgot you have a voice.

To the nameless, rest assured that no blog will be written about you. If you fear that a blog will be written about you then you have not realized the purpose of these articles. These articles expose the truths of corrupt politicians. It doesn't matter if they are nice people on the street or even held the hand of a dying person. It is about their commitment to the community and calling them out on the things they do wrong. We don’t create sites about people just because they have pissed us off. These are politically motivated. And to the nameless, you are a friend, not a foe. It’s understandable that our emotions get the better of us sometime. But once again, like we have said from the start, WE never fling mud first.

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