Sunday, December 29, 2013

Masshealth Site Down!


Can't log in to mass unemployment site. Says server is down. Can't log in to Mass Health Connector. Says server is down. Can't claim my unemployment insurance. Can't get my health insurance. Thank you. Oh and BTW, America, Go fuck yourself AND Obama's economic plan.

As of yesterday, millions will no longer be able to collect emergency unemployment benefits after 6 months of not being able to find a job. Ending the EUC was a stipulation in the passing of the budget by our brilliant congress.

Obama's commie care site cost us 600 Million dollars. It was designed to fail.

25% of health insurance applicants won't even need to use the Obama site. Many states have their own site like the Mass Health Connector.

My affordable health insurance is $407 per month for the absolutely worse plan with a $3000 deductible. Thanks for nothing.

Monday, December 23, 2013

I Can't Afford My Affordable Insurance

My affordable health plan is $6500 a year...for the lousy insurance option. I do not qualify for subsidies. It includes half the things my old insurance had but many new things I do not need. It would be better to not get insurance. ...take a $210 penalty hit...then just spend out of pocket $150 per doctors visit on that very rare occasion that I need a doctor. I doubt I will spend up to $6500 in a year. If something catastrophic happened and the bill was high the solution will be to just not pay it. Of course I have to carry around a fake id with a fake name so that in the ambulance when they are looking through my wallet to see where to send the medical bill...they know to mail it to Garfield Ave.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Masshealth Scam

MA HEALTH CONNECTOR/OBAMA CARE = FUCKING SCAM. Hundreds of MA residents are filling out forms online and being tricked into providing marketing firms, telemarketers, and insurance companies with personal IDENTIFIABLE information. ObamaCare was created to make Insurance companies WEALTHIER, the Low-class to HAVE MORE than what they should be entitled to at the EXPENSE OF THE MIDDLE CLASS. The stupid site is estimated to have cost nearly $600 MILLION dollars. For a website! Not to mention that the 16 day government shut down which was fueled by this healthcare debate cost America 23 BILLION dollars. Obama says "i am sorry." Not good enough